Saving Money Cheap ways to keep cool in the heat


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When temperatures rise, cooling costs can too if you rely solely on air conditioning. Luckily there are affordable and eco-friendly methods to stay chill and combat summertime heat waves. With a little prep and creativity, you can keep comfortable without cranking up energy bills or consuming more resources.

Use Fans Strategically
Strategically placing affordable floor or desk fans to circulate room air can make the area feel around 8 degrees cooler. Point box fans in windows to push hot air out and pull cooler air in during early mornings or at night. Remember - fans cool people directly more than spaces, so focus airflow where you sit, cook or sleep.

DIY AC Units
Make your own air conditioner by soaking cotton rope in water and positioning the damp side toward a small fan aimed directly on you. As moisture evaporates it has a cooling effect. Frozen water bottles or wet rags achieve similar results. Use shades or drapes around these improvised AC units to contain the chilled air.

Cook Smart
Run appliances producing heat like ovens, dishwashers or dryers during the coolest times of day or night. Grilling outdoors, using a microwave, or cooking one pot meals cuts down on energy. Prep cool meals ahead when possible avoid extra heating from cooking altogether.

Use Architecture
Strategically open or close windows as daytime and nighttime temperatures shift. Install blackout curtains over sun-facing windows. Close blinds and shades during the day to minimize heat entering - reopen when cooler outside to purge collected warmth. Turn off unneeded lights which give off heat too.

Simple tweaks using mother nature, household items and common sense go far staying comfortable in an eco-friendly way, without straining your electric bill. Chill more affordably this summer with these cooling tips that save money!
For me l can say that it's very important for you to take great care for yourself and the family especially when you live in areas that experience some immense weather conditions.

l thank God that my country and the whole of East Africa is not affected by such immese weather conditions.
However for the snowing countries l would say that the ice and snow weather can easily be managed by the most locally and affordable heating gadgets all over the world.