do you write articles to earn money online?


Valued Contributor
I used to write articles online a while back until I faced restrictions on the iWriter site. Currently, I'm in search of alternative sites to earn money online. If you are actively writing articles online, could you please share any platforms you recommend for me to explore? You can share a lot of your insights here
Most article writing jobs are on freelance platform you're basically not going to find much on forums, good writers make a lot of money writing contents for companies, I'm into tech and I'm conversant with tech writers they make around $500 to $1000 per article when they write for big publishing companies like log rocket or digital ocean.

I think the best way to achieve this is to wrote amazing contents and also out yourself out there by marketing yourself on different platforms like Medium, Twitter and getting yourself a blog where you write contents about the particular niche you're into.
You've got a solid grasp on the landscape of freelance writing, especially in the tech industry. Marketing yourself across platforms like Medium, Twitter, and your own blog is indeed a savvy move. Establishing expertise in a niche and consistently delivering high-quality content can open doors to lucrative opportunities with big publishing companies. It's all about showcasing your skills and making sure the right people take notice. Keep up the great work!
Yes, I used to make money off writing articles online a while back too. but I'm not really active with it for now. Aside not getting jobs regularly as I envisage I did to put my laptop in order as it has been damaged by a light explosion sometimes back

I was also on the iWriter site but couldn't get jobs for my tier as I was trying to use the free mode. so just like you I'm in search of alternative sites to earn money from daily
It sounds like you've had some experience navigating the freelance writing scene. Dealing with tech issues like laptop damage can throw a wrench into your productivity. Exploring alternative platforms beyond iWriter could offer more opportunities suited to your skills and preferences. Have you considered platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or even reaching out to clients directly through LinkedIn or professional networks?
I do not have a business model to earn money this is the reason behind my focus on writing articles to earn some crypto either top-up redot pay for online purchases or P2P trading on Binance.
Freelance platforms for article writing gigs dominate the landscape, with lucrative opportunities often coming from large publishing companies in tech niches Tech writers skilled in platforms like LogRocket or Digital Ocean can earn up to $500 $1000 greater per case. Success in this area includes exclusive content creation and self-promotion on platforms like Medium, Twitter, and personal blogs. Building a strong online presence in your niche increases visibility and attracts potential customers. Consistent quality, combined with effective marketing positions freelance writers for financial success and long-term career growth in the competitive world of production. You can rock writing articles for big money.
I was getting paid for writing articles for a few years till last year. With AI, ChatGPT the paid article writing work has reduced to a very great extent , so I am only writing articles for my websites. Though I spend a lot of time writing articles for my websites, there is no guarantee that I will make any money from the website where I publish the articles. The government agencies are also falsely claiming that their housewife and other fraud employees, who do not spend time are writing articles for my websites, though these employees have never contacted me.