Easiest Way of Finding a Business to Start?


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If you're looking for a business to start, it's important to know if there's a market for what you're trying to sell, business thrives on sell, in this article I'll discuss how you can find a business to start almost at no cost and how you can quickly find out if there's a market for what you're offering.

Business has two distinct part, acquisition and fulfillment, the former is about how you can aquire user or customers and the latter deals with how you can satisfy them and give them what you want.

The fastest way to find a business idea is to test, use Facebook Ads, pay a couple of dollars and test the premise of your idea, if it works, scale, if it fails don't bother with it.

In this day and time, you shouldn't waste time validating an idea, pay some ads and test it out, if it works, scale else dump it
If you're looking for a business to start, it's important to know if there's a market for what you're trying to sell, business thrives on sell, in this article I'll discuss how you can find a business to start almost at no cost and how you can quickly find out if there's a market for what you're offering.

Business has two distinct part, acquisition and fulfillment, the former is about how you can aquire user or customers and the latter deals with how you can satisfy them and give them what you want.

The fastest way to find a business idea is to test, use Facebook Ads, pay a couple of dollars and test the premise of your idea, if it works, scale, if it fails don't bother with it.

In this day and time, you shouldn't waste time validating an idea, pay some ads and test it out, if it works, scale else dump it
I don't understand what you m mean here. Do you mean using Facebook to do a survey of the popularity of your business Idea? What if the business you propose to do is not an online based business, that means this your premise won't work. And looking at it critically, what if your target market is restricted to a particular small geographical location, how would you ensure that the Facebook survey would have people from the market as participants? I don't think it is entirely workable.
I don't understand what you m mean here. Do you mean using Facebook to do a survey of the popularity of your business Idea? What if the business you propose to do is not an online based business, that means this your premise won't work. And looking at it critically, what if your target market is restricted to a particular small geographical location, how would you ensure that the Facebook survey would have people from the market as participants? I don't think it is entirely workable.

Let's say for example I want to start selling cars and I'm not sure if there's a market for that in my immediate environment, there are a lot of moving variables, I need to know how deep their pockets are and also if their is a need for a car to start with, all of these things need to be checkmated before I can be able to acquire a customer.

That's where Facebook come in, if you've ever use Facebook ads, you know that it has a super precise audience targeting, you can target people in your city, age, occupation and gender.

You'll then use the response you get from the ads to inform your decision whether to go ahead with the business or not.

You can use this framework to validate any idea
There are so many business ideas that could come to an individual's mind but being able to validate this business ideas is an important Factor which every potential business owner or an individual intending to establish business Some day must obviously understand. As a business owner or as a potential business owner, you must see to eat that the business that you want to establish is a kind that can succeed and can definitely make a whole lot of sense when it is been established.

As a business owner you do not want to establish business that may not make profit but you would want to establish business that stand the chance to make profit. Proper research and proper analyzation can help you find the easiest business that choose your ability and capability.