What is the Easiest Way to Earn as a Writer


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A lot of people say freelancing or ghostwriting is the best way for writers to make money. Let’s analyze this. Imagine you spend a 3-4f hours writing an article. How much can you earn for this article? On freelancing sites you earn around $10, if you are highly rated, you might earn even $20-$30. With ghostwriting, you can earn $200-$300 for an ebook, but it takes 5-7 days to write a book. There is a limit to how many articles or ebooks you can write and how much you can earn as a freelancer. A better way to earn from writing is through blogging or publishing ebooks in your own name.
If you want to earn as a write and you really mean business, you first learn how to write well. I don't mean writing on Ptp forums, that won't earn you the money you seek. There are top writing websites out there, it's not the admin that is managing and writing content on the website, people are hired to do so, so there are more hands needed, but you have to be able to make yourself worthy. Can you write original content and not plagiarize other people's work, if you can do this while writing quality content , you will have so many writing opportunities.
When considering earnings from writing articles, of course, it is worth considering the amount of time it takes to write. On freelancing platforms you are right, prices for articles tend to vary and if you have a high ranking you can earn more. However, as you noted, there are limits to the number of articles you can write and therefore how much you can earn. I agree that blogging or publishing e-books under your own name can be very profitable. This allows you to control your content and earnings, and build your personal brand and audience.
The easiest way to earn as a writer is to start working on a Paid to post site, there are other ways to make money but working on paid to post will make you money ASAP If you are just getting started, there are other ways to make money as a writer like KDP, but it's a lot more competitive and you are not in control, Amazon can kick you out at any time.

You can also make money writing contents for other people ranging from articles, blog contents on platforms lie Upwork, Fiverr or Freelancer.com

As you can see there are different ways to make money as a writer.