How can I build my email lists?


VIP Contributor
You can offer some free resource, like an eBook or webinar and this will be in exchange for their email addressess. But it is necessary to make sure that the resource are valuable and relevant to your audience. I would say that you need to create a website or social media channels that would state the benefits of joining and you should make it very easy to sign up. It is very important to use eye-catching pop-ups on your website as it would be use to grab the attention of the visitors. You should decide to host giveaways to entice the people as well
One important thing I know is to utilize the social media advertising. You can use the Facebook or Instagram ads as it will helps to drive traffic to the page to collect the emails. I would advise to target specific audiences and interests so that you can maximize sign-ups. Having said that, you should consider collaborating with influencers so that you can co-promote each other's content which would be a win-win. These are definitely the best ways to build the email list.
You can build an email lists by using a lead magnet, which is basically whatever you'll do to attract a customer to exchange a vital information about themselves for example a phone number, email or address depending on your line of business, you can write a book, probably mini, about your industry offering help on some basic stuffs or a case studies if you operate in a B2B settings or even a course, you need something irresistible for the user.

And then get their information in return, that's how you build your email lists over time and it's a good way to market your products or services.