How do you deal with the salary decrease?


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Frankly speaking l think that the ongoing inflation has ravaged so many parts of the world to be precise.
The result for that in most cases had been the devaluing of the local currency that reduces the purchasing power for the consumers.
Do in line with that, the salaries and business profits are expected to raise so as to match with the raised cost of living for that matter.
Unfortunately things are in the contrary side of it.
Most salaries have remain stagnated or reduced drastically with most workers being laid off for what the investors term as the economy isn't stable for investing.
This is really dicey, I think it depends on your situation, if you don't have any other alternatives, it's going to be ridiculously hard to just quit the job and start something when you don't even have capital, when your salary is decreased in your workplace it's an ample sign to start planning your exit, I wouldn't even care what the reason is.

Give yourself a target, inconvenience yourself to save money religiously, after saving enough, go start a business, doesn't matter what, just a business that brings in money for you everyday and you'll be good to go, working a job these days is just to raise capital and do something bigger.
This is really humiliating feelings rather than feeling of loss. I would see for alternative jobs as I am not a tree that can't move. After all this is capitalism.