How to deal with dishonest employees?


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In some cases, employees are dishonest, they will promise that they will do the work assigned, yet actually they do not do the work. In other cases, when people complain against the employee, the employee will deny all the complaints. For example a caretaker was told to remain in the room with the senior citizen who he is taking care of. The doctors in the hospital are complaining that he is wandering around the hospital and is not taking proper care of the patient. When questioned, the caretaker claims that he is always in the room. What is the best way to deal with dishonest employees who may be telling lies?
The problem is that always we place the employer as it is another God on the planet and always place employees as faulty and making lies. The problem is that we never give the employee rights as we always give the employer rights because he is someone who doesn't make any mistakes and I feel this attitude in many members' posts. As there are dishonest employees, there are dishonest employers who stop playing the role of victim as an employer.
You should know you are dealing with humans and we just love to avoid work. So the first thing when employing people is to hand them your policy manuals let them go through it so that if they can't cope you don't have to waste your time to employ them.

But if you eventually employ one that is dishonest then you should give the punishment that would deter others from doing same. you can deduct from their salary the days thru didn't turn up for work.