How does gut health impact Crohn's?


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Crohn's disease is a condition that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. There are two major forms of Crohn's: ileitis and colitis. Ileitis involves the small intestine, while colitis involves the colon. These conditions can be treated with medication and/or surgery, but it's important to understand that you do not have only one problem; your gut health has been severely compromised.

How does this happen? Well, just like everything else in your body, your gut is affected by diet, stress levels and exercise. And that's where probiotics come into play!
Probiotics can help maintain your immune system and support digestion. They can control inflammation and help to heal damaged tissues by regulating your body's response to stress and improving the production of nutrients like vitamins B and K.

Probiotics also contain 'healthy bacteria,' which are important for the natural balance of bacteria in your gut. This helps fend off harmful infections that can escalate symptoms and cause additional damage.