How often should I post on blog?


VIP Contributor
It's a question that's been debated for years. What time of day is best? How many times should you post in a week? Should you post more on the weekends? Is there any scientific evidence that says the best times of day are 5am and 7pm, or 4am and 9am, or some other combination?

The answer is none of them. The best time to post is when you can write something interesting, not just because it makes sense to do so at that moment, but also because it would be interesting to anyone who wants to read it. If you're writing about how your dog ate your clothes while you were out last night and they don't quite fit anymore, then no one wants to read that post. If you're posting about how cute your new puppy is and what he's up to today, then people might be interested in reading about that!

It's really up to you. If you're writing a blog post and it's taking a while, put it up every day or two. you don't want the first couple of days of your blog to be filled with old posts! But if you're just putting up one post every once in a while, that's fine too. Just remember: the more often your posts go up, the more likely people are to visit your blog.
Posting on blogs should be consistently. There are many blogs and blogging is about competition. The more we can post, the more we are likely to have our blogs competing with the biggest blogs.

This is the main reason why we need to have niche that will be easier for us to create topics on. We need to make sure to go through some websites that always tell us the recent and most searched topics. This will let us know the kind of articles to be written.

Aside this, followers may not like it if we are delaying them in posting. They may want to read more and more from our blogs..