How to Maximise WhatsApp Business to Enhance a Business.


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WhatsApp Inc, a subsidiary id Meta, launched WhatsApp Business some years ago. The app was intended to help entrepreneurs and businesses realize the full potential of their businesses through streamlined business communication that can potentially drive sales, win and retain customers.

As it stands though, businesses and entrepreneurs have fallen short in utilizing WhatsApp business to boost their businesses. Here are a few things that businesses, brands and entrepreneurs can do to unleash the power of WhatsApp Business for their businesses.

1) Create a professional brand profile for your business on WhatsApp business that should have your business description. That should include your contacts, phone numbers.

2) Write carefully crafted greetings messages Try as much as you can not to be generic with that.

3) Use the broadcast list feature to advertise your unique value and announce product launches/ events.

4) Create a FAQ that is automated with answers for questions that are always repeated over and over by customers.