

New member
Joblessness leads to depression, anxiety,stress and all that kind of fear which are harmful for us so, it's a moment to spend time with yourself. Understand your mood swings by taking your time to feel free instead of stress and depression so, always try to stay same through thick and thin situations of your life. Don't get frustrated and angry on your surroundings without any reason except your jobless routine. Stay cool and calm with no job as well and always prat for this with a lot of patience.
Joblessness leads to all you've said, but online have helped us this days to eradicate unemployment a little bit with the opportunities that have presented itself. I just graduated recently from college, I am not seeking to be employed through white collar job here in my country by folding my hands and watching the government offer me the job, No. Rather I'll explore my time online just as I've been doing, and waiting for the right time to secure better job offline or even here online. I believe in hardwork, and believe in grace too, to take me higher in life.
The main problem of joblessness is just because most of the workers don't like to work in something that is not in their domain or studies then they reject anything related to another domain which delays obtaining any job and this is a culture that must be changed by the time.