Make money writing articles for these sites


VIP Contributor
If you know that you can write articles that are great, well written and plagiarism free, then it is good to take up article writing by the side

Some of the sites don't even need you to be a native speaker before joining but you just have to show that you can write readable articles and money Is made. The pay rate rate are good for the selected sites I will be listing below

There are not the popular sites that you know but from reviews they are legit and paying if you get accepted by them. So they are:

Wow Women on Writing:This site pays between $50-100 per article

Strong Whispers pays between $50 – $150.

Then, Link-Able $100 – $750.

For you can get between $100 – $200.

Watch Culture psys between 25 – $500. per article

For Developer Tutorials and Michelle Pippin you get $50 – $150.

While Metro Parent gets $50 – $75.per article.

So go try if these sites
You need to remember one thing if the site pays a lot of money for an article, it is very likely that they are looking for experienced writers, professional writers, even when they don't say this clearly. I am saying this based on my experience. I have submitted articles on a lot of sites that claimed that they will accept even from the first-time writer but they did not. Therefor, never attempt these sites if you do not have any experience, if you are not form English speaking world and if you are not a professional writer who already has a name. Instead of these high paying sites, try sites like hubpages, medium, vocal where your article will be published immediately and you will earn from the views or impression. If you want to write articles for upfront payment. You can try Forum Coin, they pay upto $1.5 per article. Trendri also has recently introduced article feature.