Introduction New Members: Introduce Yourself Here


Hi there fishbate here, as a father and the bread winner of the family. One of our responsibility as a father to put food on the plate. I was a full time technician before on a electronics company. Lately i started a small business to add some income, apart from my other part time jobs. I'm very happy that i was able to join here to have some pointers and ideas in starting a business. Looking forward for great discussions with you guys. Have a great day...:)
We would love to get to know you so please take a few minutes to introduce yourself to the community! If you are stuck on something to say, here are some ideas: 💡

Tell us a little about yourself, your ideas, country or why you're here, whatever. New members always have something to say, even those that are shy.;)

Welcome everyone!!!(y)
please can somone assist me to setup my account to post my links. when i attempted i received a massage that i will have to have 20 post
Hello everyone I'm Nwafuru Sorochukwu Caleb. A new member. I'm here for the purpose of increasing my income.
Hello everyone am Queen Bala by name from Nigeria am here to improve my income
Hi, I am here to gain 7 streams of income.
Hello my name is patrick throp by name from the state I’m here to improve and promote my comment any where I post
Hi I'm Faith Chepkemoi delighted to start this
Hello I'm kenny from Nigeria also, a new member. I wish to share my information with the house. I joined this forum to add to my knowledge in regards to a new things and expand my knowledge and also to have another better stream of $. LOVE YOU ALL