Super Busy? Here Are 8 Quick Financial Tips


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You're busy. We all are. But sometimes it's hard to keep up with every little thing that needs doing, especially when you have a lot on your plate.

So we've compiled a list of 8 quick financial tips that will help you manage your finances more effectively and make sure you're not doing anything unnecessary!

1. Always pay your bills on time.

2. Don't spend money you don't have.

3. Make sure you're saving for retirement, so you can stop working when you're 65!

4. Don't buy unnecessary things just because they're on sale.

5. If you're not making money right now, start investing today!

6. Cut up your credit cards, and only use cash when possible to avoid interest charges while reducing the temptation to buy things you don't really need (or want).

7. If you want to save more, try shopping at thrift stores or getting secondhand clothing from people who no longer wear it anymore. you'll look great and save money!

8. If you've been putting off paying down your debt, do it now! It can be a huge relief once it's paid off! And if it's too much for your budget right now, start by paying down smaller debts first and see how that goes before moving onto bigger ones like mortgages and car payments etc..
The one that struck me is that one that says you should pay bills on time. I subscribe to this theory. It gives you peace of mind of you can pay your bills on time. The fact is that you are going to pay the bills eventually, so why not pay them on time and free your mind? In fact, if you can, pay them in advance.

That's why if I have small money from my side hustles, I pay my electricity bills and water bills even before they are due. Then when the main pay comes, I can use it to settle things like school fees. Even for the school fees self, I sometimes pay 3 terms in advance. I am a person that needs my mind stable to function properly. That's why I enjoy the peace that advanced payment of bills affords me. I can focus my mind on other things.
Create a budget and stick to it. Some use budget apps but I am partial to spreadsheet software because you can easily plan ahead and project your cash inflows and outflows for a year. A budget helps you plan your finances and helps ensure that you are spending within your income. It also helps you identify priorities and set money aside for the important things in life.

Plant your own food. You can save a lot on food bills and groceries if you can grow simple vegetables and herbs. If you're living in a city, try planting vegetables that can thrive in pots or containers. You can make your own fertilizer out of scraps like fish innards or egg shells.

Invest in things that last and appreciate in value.

Pay yourself first. You have been working hard, you owe it to yourself. You can start by saving a fixed percentage of your salary, say 10%, to a separate account. You may opt to automate your savings.
Another thing that can help people who have a very busy schedule in making sure that their personal financial life is safe is getting a financial expert to serve as your manager. This is mostly done by people who have huge amounts to deal with and so require sophisticated level of knowledge to ensure that everything is ran smoothly and even without much or possessing a lot, this is a nice idea that you can adopt to help you in managing your finances properly.

Your wife at times or let me just say your less busy spouse can be able to take up that task or any person that you have close to you. Moreso, there are some bank payment that are made automatically when their to is due. That will go a long way helping ensure that your most basic financial ups are kept low without your direct implementation and effort putting.