The best BNB Mining/Investment sites on the Binance Smart Chain


New member
Hi guys!

I am not sure if what I am going to type is common knowledge so I will give a bit of background and a little guide in case people don't know about this or how to do it.

Cloud mining is pretty much dead now, far too expensive and very little returns but with the introduction of DE-FI and DAO's, there are still lots of ways to make money with cryptocurrency. We now have what we called 'Miner' Apps. I am not a programmer so can not get too technical but they run these off the various blockchains using smart contracts that create interest. You buy a certain amount of miners on the app and then it will continually 'mine' new cryptocurrency to withdraw or to compound whichever you prefer. Depending on how many people enter into the contract, the value of these miners can rise and will also go up as the currency you are mining goes up in value.

A LOT of money can be made on these sites, the original coding of these sites meant these contracts could fall just as easily but now developers seem to be learning and making some very tight contracts with a lot of potential. As always with Crypto, there is always a chance your miners/capital can drop or fall so only put into these sites what you can afford! But if you diversify and do it right, it is definitely worth looking into.

I will list what I have found to be the top BNB Mining sites/apps on the Binance SmartChain. There are miners on all the other networks too but I prefer BNB as the gas fee's are so low, especially with the amount of withdrawing and compounding that you might want to do!

After this post when I get a chance, I will list the best DAO's too to invest in and the returns on those are even more insane!

Most of these apps have Twitter AND Telegram groups that will help if you are having trouble and it is always good to see if it has a good community behind the project!

8 Days Lockup 140% -
Plan designed for shorter-term investors looking to get a quick return.
Return rate designed to ensure less of an effect on long term participants.

16 Days Lockup 188% -
2% Giveway Bonus instant credit
Strategy designed to yield optimal returns for those who are looking to set investments on a monthly basis.
Best for participants that would like to make recurring monthly investments in other platforms.

25 Days Lockup 242% -
3% Giveway Bonus instant credit
Highest yield return policy designed for investors that want to set and forget.
Make your deposit with a 25-day lockup to get the highest return rate on the platform!

BNB SmartPool
Screenshot 2022-02-18 094325.png
Unlimited ROI! From 180% to 410% or even more
-Start for as low as 0.005 BNB
-With Anti-Whale and Anti-Fund-Depletion Features
-5 Levels of Referral Program
-Collect Dividends Anytime You Want
-With Auto-Reinvest to Ensure Program's Longevity

-BNBSmartPool is a decentralized and verified investment platform running on Binance Smart Chain. Up to 410% ROI in 30 days or even more, packed with five levels of referral rewards and safety features.

-BNBSmartPool program is equipped with anti-whale and anti-fund-depletion features to guarantee longevity and keep investors' sentiments positive.

-For every withdrawal there is a maximum 3 BNB allowed, only 75% of the withdrawals will be transferred into your wallet and the rest of 25% will be auto-reinvested into your account for a period of 30 days with 410% ROI.

1095% APR
3% Daily

-This is the longest-running BNBminer website out there and has been running and paying constantly for nearly a year!

-They only pay a steady 3% which is why the project is so healthy. I've been using it for 3 weeks now and have already got my original investment back and now is just pumping pure profit.

-Good advice to put some money in a more stable miner you can trust and then use those earnings in these ones that often pay a high API but are a lot riskier!

-On 22/03/22 They are will launch Phase one and their own tokens. All people invested will get a share of tokens relative to how many miners they have. It is such a good time to join!


Personally out of those four I've invested in, my second favorite is the BNB SmartPool App, it has a super high APR and return but at the same time has various methods in place to keep the contract healthy with the Anti-Whale and Anti-depletion mechanisms. But my favorite and one I have used for a long time and has got to be the BNBminer. The fact that the APR is so low has kept the contract healthy and paying for nearly a year now and with big things happening next month, it really is something to get in on!

Like I said at the top, only invest what you can afford to lose and if anyone needs any help with how to set up Metamask or buying BNB or even using the Smart Chain or networks in general then send me a private message or reply on here! I hope you all have a great day!


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