This Is The Best Way To Prepare For Unexpected Expenses


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Let's talk about the unexpected expenses that life loves to throw our way. you know, those pesky surprises that make our bank accounts cry and our stress levels skyrocket, lol

unexpected expenses can come in all shapes and sizes, from a sudden car breakdown to a medical emergency, and they can hit us at any time. that's why you have to be prepared for them, now, I know what you're thinking, "but I don't have the money to prepare for unexpected expenses!" well, my friend, that's where you're wrong. you don't need to be a millionaire to be financially prepared for unexpected expenses. all it takes is a little bit of planning and some good old-fashioned common sense.

you need to start building an emergency fund right away. this is your safety net for unexpected expenses. aim to save at least your six months' worth of living expenses in a separate savings account. you never know when you'll need it, I am not a good proponent of savings, but saving for emergencies is one of the genuis things you can do, when an unexpected expense comes knocking you do not want to be unprepared.

make sure you also have the right insurance coverage. whether it's health insurance, car insurance, or home insurance, having the right coverage can save you thousands in unexpected expenses. it might cost you a little extra each month, but it's a small price to pay for peace of mind, when your emergency funds fail, you have a bffer to fall back on.

Try your very possible best to cut back on unnecessary expenses, we all love spending money to buy what we want and makes us happy and there is nothing wrong with that but you should suspend that till your money is up, and if you're serious about being financially prepared, you need to make some sacrifices
Yes, you are right taking insurance is not an additional expense but it is a way to make it prepare for unexpected expenses. Suppose you have a Car if you can spend a huge amount of money to buy your dream car, then to protect that car from accidents, stolen, and some natural calamities you just need to spend some 3 to 5 percent of over all costs as insurance costs. In some accident-type situations, you need to give a few amounts or sometimes nothing when you take insurance claims. So make a good habit of taking insurance.

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