Thoughts and feelings


New member
Thoughts are the language of the brain... Feelings are the language of the body...

This is pretty obvious to know since we all have thought and feelings. When we get thoughts we know that it's the brain at work and when we get feelings we know it's the body that is busy communicating it's needs, impressions, expressions, changes etc to us. We most often ignore or misunderstand most of the feelings we get because they are more complicated than we can comprehend so we like to force the feelings of the body into the thoughts of the mind. Logic, trying to force feelings into thoughts by asking the brain to explain what am I feeling now? Based on past and previous experiences but little do we know that we are ever changing ever evolving beings. Thanks to our limitless nature we are almost always centered in our being, which makes it easier for us or in better terms for our bodies to embrace new changes that we never experienced before, changes that have nothing to do with who we are with or what we are but changes that are genuinely from our own evolution as a milestone to how far we have come.

The feelings from these changes are unique to us, they are nowhere in existence, these feelings have no anchor in the past they come from shear willpower or the result thereof meaning that when the body is deprived of feelings as it knows it's should have, it sends out signals to tell you, the master of all that we are lagging and we can't keep on like this. Its the TEWS of the body, Triage Early Warning System. What this system does is send out alert at intervals letting the organism know how it's doing in terms of that particular composition in this case, feelings. For every warning there is a worked out formulated solution to draw the feelings from the surrounding as the body obviously knows that from the levels of the drainage or loss, this being is either very sick or grossly overloaded. Whichever it is the problem is one, feelings inhibition and obviously this is not intrinsic otherwise the body will let you know with pain on what area you need to work on to release the inhibition. Its pretty easy staff, so when the feelings are amiss you get the body sending you signals of new feelings that have never been felt before, these are so unique only you have them in all of existence. This goes to align with what they mean when they say that we create our own realities, well most of our realities are within us meaning that we constantly adopt to the ever changing worlds around us by shifting ourselves to best harness what's given to us by nature and surroundings
Thought is a predictive analysis of the feelings based on multiple parameters. They are kind of a way of dealing with our feelings. Whereas, Feeling is the body’s physiological process, you feel different as your body chemistry changes. Thoughts and feelings are two sides of a same coin. The automatic nature of our thoughts guide us into our feelings. It's like a chain reaction racing up through our mind. All this tangling up of thoughts and feelings ultimately lead us to how we respond and behave. Feelings are therefore necessary, so that it works with thoughts in decision making and planning for future goals.
Thoughts are the language of the brain... Feelings are the language of the body...

This is pretty obvious to know since we all have thought and feelings. When we get thoughts we know that it's the brain at work and when we get feelings we know it's the body that is busy communicating it's needs, impressions, expressions, changes etc to us. We most often ignore or misunderstand most of the feelings we get because they are more complicated than we can comprehend so we like to force the feelings of the body into the thoughts of the mind. Logic, trying to force feelings into thoughts by asking the brain to explain what am I feeling now? Based on past and previous experiences but little do we know that we are ever changing ever evolving beings. Thanks to our limitless nature we are almost always centered in our being, which makes it easier for us or in better terms for our bodies to embrace new changes that we never experienced before, changes that have nothing to do with who we are with or what we are but changes that are genuinely from our own evolution as a milestone to how far we have come.

The feelings from these changes are unique to us, they are nowhere in existence, these feelings have no anchor in the past they come from shear willpower or the result thereof meaning that when the body is deprived of feelings as it knows it's should have, it sends out signals to tell you, the master of all that we are lagging and we can't keep on like this. Its the TEWS of the body, Triage Early Warning System. What this system does is send out alert at intervals letting the organism know how it's doing in terms of that particular composition in this case, feelings. For every warning there is a worked out formulated solution to draw the feelings from the surrounding as the body obviously knows that from the levels of the drainage or loss, this being is either very sick or grossly overloaded. Whichever it is the problem is one, feelings inhibition and obviously this is not intrinsic otherwise the body will let you know with pain on what area you need to work on to release the inhibition. Its pretty easy staff, so when the feelings are amiss you get the body sending you signals of new feelings that have never been felt before, these are so unique only you have them in all of existence. This goes to align with what they mean when they say that we create our own realities, well most of our realities are within us meaning that we constantly adopt to the ever changing worlds around us by shifting ourselves to best harness what's given to us by nature and surroundings
Our ideas and emotions are always talked of as one in the same way. In a chain reaction, the automatic existence of our thought processes brings us straight into sensing and then behaving. Feelings result until you start dreaming of a case. Feelings determine our feelings. Emotions arise in the body, while in the head, thoughts develop. Please note that you are not alone in your battle with traumatic feelings and memories whether you are sad, nervous, furious, concerned, puzzled, disappointed, offended, or embarrassed. Often, someone feels emotional pain.
thought is all about ideas while feelings is involved in human emotions.I like the way you defined its language of the brain /language of the body.Thoughts are mental cognitions—our ideas, opinions, and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. They include the
perspectives we bring to any situation or experience that color our point of view (for better, worse, or neutral).
An example of a long-lived thought is an
attitude, which develops as thoughts are repeated over and over and reinforced.
While thoughts are shaped by life experiences, genetics, and education, they are generally under conscious control. In other words, if you are aware of your thoughts and attitudes, you can choose to change them.It may be useful to think of emotions as the
flow and experience of feelings, for example, joy, sadness, anger, or fear. Emotions can be triggered by something external (from seeing a friend suffer or watching a movie) or something internal (an upsetting memory).
While emotions are universal, each person may experience them and respond to them in a different way. Some people may struggle with understanding what emotion they are experiencing.
Emotions serve to connect us with others and help cultivate strong social bonds.
Thought and feelings are two different things but people keep interchanging the two and think or say they are the same. Thought is not feeling because it has to do ideas that come from our brains that can cause or make us feel something about be it good or bad. Feelings is the expression of our thought simply.
I totally agree with the person who said thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body but there is mutualism between the two.feelings can actually be influenced by one's thoughts and that is just the bridge between them .
Thoughts and feelings have a profound effect on one another. Thought can trigger feeling (worrying about an upcoming job interview may cause fear) and also serve as an appraisal of that feeling (“this isn't a realistic fear”).