What Are the Requirements for Building Income as a Blogger


VIP Contributor
If you want to write and make money as a writer, blogging happens to be the easiest path. However, blogging for money requires specific prerequisites:

Writing Skills: This is the most obvious requirement. You need proficiency in creating engaging articles. Your articles should be able to rank on search engines and get viral on social media

SEO and Digital Marketing: Your blog needs SEO and Digital Marketing, thus, you will need specialized skills to drive traffic to the blog through SEO and Digital Marketing

Investment: You need money for a domain, hosting, themes, addons, as well as marketing. You also need to invest time and effort.
SEO knowledge should be the next thing after writing skill. It is necessary to know how to write in blogging. This is because it is somehow different from the way we write in normal writing.

SEO will let you know the right topic to write and to know the right audience to target while writing. This knowledge will let you have the best way to rank and stay at the first ranking.

Then there should be enough time for research to be writing with fact and not hearsay, this will promote the blog.
The most important thing required to make money from your blog is traffic. If you have a huge traffic, you can earn from adsense, you can sell amazon affiliate products, you can sell ad space through buy sell ads, you can create a shop on your blog and make money by selling physical and digital products. Traffic is the blood line of a blog. To bring traffic, you need to implement SEO strategies and your efforts must make your blog rank on search engine result page.
Begin by choosing a profitable niche, create valuable content, and build professional websites. Next, you should increase your audience and examine ways through which you can monetize such as using the affiliate marketing approach, selling digital services or products among others. Use search engine optimization for your platform so as to make it easy for people to find it while at the same time ensuring that you get different streams of income.

To be a successful blogger ensure that you have well researched content and also collaborate with influencers. It is also important to optimize your conversions so use call-to-action buttons and check conversion rates regularly. Stay updated on industry trends through education and learning from successful bloggers. Blogging is not a sprint but patience pays eventually; it requires persistance long-term success in this field.