What Do You Majorly Use Your Online Earning For? Investment or Personal Savings?


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We all have our different and unique reason why we choose to work online. However, some people are working online on a part-time basis while others work online on a full-time basis. There are individuals who already have some offline engagements which fetches them money but obviously the needs of main would remain insatiable and this is the more reason for the combination. Some part-time online workers are students and they choose to combine both so they could have a means of funding and some level of independence. The aim of working is not just to keep accumulating the money for fun sake.

There are targets and goals for the money we make tirelessly online and this would include; either for feeding, shelter, school fees, savings or for investment. Personally, my online earnings has not been much given the short duration I started making money online but I majorly use the money I gain here to subscribe my mobile device and I also use part of it to augment my janitorial services. Some people who earn higher have different array of investments while others choose to save it in their personal savings account for future purposes. What have you used your online earnings majorly for?
I am a full-time online worker, I use my online earnings to pay my bills and buy supplies. On some months when I earn really well, I managed to save money in banks. In the months, I am not able to earn well, not even to pay my bills and buy supplies, I used the savings from the previous months. Sometimes when I earn a lot of money I also use the surplus money to buy shares or cryptocurrencies. Most of my earnings come from upwork, a freelnce site. I also earn from independent cotracts. I have a blog and my blog also earns me money
You are virtually right, the aim of working online either on a full-time or part-time basis is not for fun and I work online with a target in mind. Although I have not been earning online for a long time because this is about five months since I realized a way of making money legitimately without a requirement to invest money but I must say that the money I have earned so far majorly goes into my academic activities.

At the moment in my country, those who attend public tertiary institutions are undergoing an industrial strike and while waiting for the strike to be called off, I utilize the opportunity to make money and the major part goes to my savings account because when the strike is called off, I need to pay my tuition fees and take part in other activities that requires money. For now, no matter how small, I save some part and use some to find my bills. I had some outstanding electricity bills to pay and I am glad I had that sorted out today. It gives me so much relief when I know that my hard work pays off despite how the small the rewards could be, with time, I would go higher.
For the past few months now I have been trying as much as possible to save every bit of what I am making online . This is due to the fact that I am targeting towards investing your money in a particular business I was able to learn at the end of last year .

When I did not have so much to do , I used to invest my money in cryptocurrencies but later on I decided that I wasn't going to do it anymore, since I realised I was making much more losses than I was realising any profit at all .
Since then, I have made up my mind not to ever engaged in cryptocurrencies investment as they are usually not reliable at all .

Paying for my internet subscription is also another expenses that I use my forum and online earnings to cover for .

I also try to buy some nice clothes and make myself feel good, because it is not easy putting so much effort to make the money and then end up not using it to enjoy myself at all .

Making money online is really fun and I am glad I was able to find a working strategy .
Majority of us here have been taught the act of saving our money right from when we were little , I too was taught that if i don't save my money to take care or handle future unforeseen occurrence and circumstances i will be left frustrated devastated and suicidal thoughts might come into my mind . I'm so in order for me to avoid situations like this to be encountered I save my money .

Personally , I am not a kind of person that loves spending money , a lot of people ask me why I do not love spending money , I would always tell them that money is a very important too and should you spend wisely and sensibly not lavishly and unreasonably . Some of them sometimes I buy to my view of money while some of them thing I am just wasting my time and being stingy to myself . Most of the earnings I make online are for investment and saving purposes . But first of all I have to accumulate wealth by saving and when I encounter a legit and highly paying investment . I will be able to join the multitude to also invest because I have been saving .
Paying bills, inflation is over the roof, cost of services have gone over the roof too, I make almost 50% of my monthly income online and I mostly use part of it to pay for some minor bills and subscription and keep the remaining in my bank account

Sometimes I fund my trading account more like add more money to account and trade, especially when I take some hard losses and not able to recuperate, I'm looking forward to create more channels of making cash online as I'm pretty much tired of working offline a d it's more rewarding to make money online.

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