What online business will you recommend for high school student?


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From what I've seen, starting a freelance service business would be a very good option to that is worth considering. A student can engage in graphic design or writing and it could be done on freelancing platforms .
Additionally , it's worth mentioning that setting up a tutoring service for subjects is also a very good option because it can be very rewarding and profitable as well. To be perfectly honest, I've come to realize that creating and selling digital products is also a very good option to consider as well. You could try out e-books or online courses but it must be tailored to high school subjects.
It is imperative not to forget the power of social media management services as well. It could be a small busines for the students. It's indeed a flexible online business idea that high school students can explore. It occurred to me that launching an e-commerce store is also a good option to explore. A student can start to sell products that are geared towards high chool students' interests . This could be a very promising online business endeavor for students.

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