Forex What Steps Did You Take to Improve Your Trading?


VIP Contributor
Trading is like athletics, it's a single player game, it's on you to improve, there is no group think at all, you have to make your own decisions and bare the brunt of making them, in this post we will talk about how to improve your trading using some simple metrics.

You have to observe and accept a problem, else how will you be able to solve it, so go ahead, are you over trading, are you using large Lotsize, are your trades not aligning with your account balance? Only you know the answers.

Start solving your problems step by steps, take action today and do it again, this is how progress is made, don't try to change everything in a day.
First and foremost, I worked to improve my trading strategy. I analyzed every losing trade and thus determined where there were failures in my strategy, gradually improving it to avoid such mistakes. I also learned to control risks and began to set stop losses. After that, my trading got better.
The more skillful yob are in your trading, the more access you have to make enough money. Not most people know this. Some have stopped improving on their skills. They are still stuck with the false beliefs.

Fortunately, there are now platforms by which traders can get their skills improved. Some of this websites are free to use while some of them required you to pay before you can have access to it. All the same, the content matters.