which is your favourite article writing site?


Valued Contributor
I've explored numerous article writing platforms over the years, but iWriter was the one that truly came through for me, providing consistent income. Sadly, it's no longer as active for me, reigniting my search for a similar platform. Are there any sites out there that can meet my needs and help me pursue my writing aspirations?
As an avid writer, I've explored various online platforms, but one site that stands out as my personal favorite is Medium. The clean, minimalist interface creates an immersive reading and writing experience. What really sets Medium apart, however, is the incredible diversity of thought-provoking content and vibrant community of writers and readers. Whether seeking inspiration, feedback, or simply a great read, Medium has become my go-to destination for engaging with the world of words.
I used to post articles on Forum coin and that was the best platform for me. I used to love posting there a lot because I could create my own topics, it is so awesome when you get to choose what to write about.

I would like to explore Medium, I hear it is one of the best article sites for reading and writing. I have read some articles there which I get redirected to when doing Google searches. I will definitely check that out and see if I can post there too.