Why is article writing a clever idea to make money online?


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Article writing is a smart choice for making money online because it leverages your writing skills into a profitable venture. With the demand for quality content continuously growing, there's a constant need for articles across various industries and platforms. Whether it's blog posts, website content, or marketing materials, businesses are willing to pay for well-written articles that engage their audience and drive traffic. Plus, article writing offers flexibility and the opportunity to work from anywhere, allowing you to manage your time effectively and pursue other interests. It's a clever idea that allows you to turn your passion for writing into a sustainable source of income.
Article writing is an excellent way to make money as a writer, it involves research, skill and hard work to come up with an impressive article, a lot of article writers spend hours writing an article and also spend some time editing it before they publish, from the outside it might seem easy but the truth is, it's also hard and takes back breaking word to create a great article.

There are different platforms out there you can use to make money as an article writer, also you can use freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr to get Clients if you have some samples to show them.
Article writing is best for online earning, provided one do have interest in it. One must learn regularly as how to write a good article and keep getting feedbacks and keep improving. You can watch so many videos regarding article writinng and you'll find as mostly YouTubers remain demonstrating as, if you don't know how to write an article then don't panic I will tell you how to write an article. They misguide people to write by chatgpt and then spin and submit, but then nothing happen because the people are not mad as they won't understand as if the article is Human written or not. So be original and research and write by yourself.
It is increasingly difficult to get any paid writing work, even if the writer has done a lot of writing work. Despite having more than 5800 approved articles on Iwriter, I have not got any direct or indirect order for writing work due to widespread theft of leads and orders, especially emails.