Hot wallets Introduction to Wasabi Wallet


Staff member
Wasabi is a desktop Bitcoin wallet (only for Bitcoin), which is privacy, non-custodial, implements Coinjoin where Private keys are on the user. CoinJoin is a mixer or merging of two transactions into one transaction.
So the Wasabi wallet function only combines several inputs into one transaction, but the wasabi party cannot know the output and input. Available on Windows, Linux and macOS Operating Systems. Wasabi wallet was launched in April 2018. The Wasabi wallet network automatically runs on Tor, so all Bitcoin transactions are highly secure and anonymity is effectively managed.
In my opinion, even though Wasabi is very safe and maintains privacy, it is not suitable for beginners, also Wasabi wallet users will be charged an anonymity fee according to the amount of anonymity you choose multiplied by 0.003%. For example, if you set Bitcoin anonymity to 70, you will be charged 0.003% X70 = 0.21%
How to migrate between two transactions into one transaction does it mean fee of two transactions to pay to operations are merged into network fee of one transaction or 50 % reduction in network fee because it seems like a new concept that you are detailing not available for traditional wallets like Coinbase?
How to migrate between two transactions into one transaction does it mean fee of two transactions to pay to operations are merged into network fee of one transaction or 50 % reduction in network fee because it seems like a new concept that you are detailing not available for traditional wallets like Coinbase?
Wasabi through the Coinjoin feature is able to migrate more than 2 transactions into one transaction. You will be charged a transaction fee like you use a traditional wallet but because some transactions are grouped, the transaction fee will be cheaper, but you will also be charged an anonymity fee (depending on what you choose such as 60%, 70% or more, the greater the anonymity, the greater the anonymity). cost.
This is the first time I will be hearing about the wallet. There are just so many alleys out there and it can be challenging to find the best one to store and receive your coins. Wasabi storing only bitcoin seems to be a waste of time to me and it is not even advisable to use it both for experts and beginners
Never come across this wallet before but k think the use is limited because you said it is used for storing Bitcoin only. It will not be suitable for beginners and I think tgat is one of the reasons it is not popular like the Binance app and coinbase. There are many hot wallets out there and one has to choose which one suits the needs of twh user.