business strategies

  1. Mikes smithen

    In what ways does joint participation helps a business.

    A business that is filled with disagreements and which also lacks unity is a business that is doomed to fail that is why it is advisable that in a business organization consisting of more than one individuals fighting for the good and development of the business organization joints participation...
  2. Axis

    Impact of staff motivation towards business growth.

    Motivation and encouragement are two of the most important skill or role which a business manager of business owner need to possess because there would be so much helpful in a maintaining the vigour of hard work and industriousness in their employees and workers or staffs. It is possible for an...
  3. Axis

    Reason to act with honesty and integrity in your business.

    The quality of honesty and integrity work and in hand with each other and when a business owner or business manager have this two qualities in his or her business skill and competence, such business manager or owner is bound to manage his or her business down to successfulness and growth or...
  4. Axis

    Why some individual businesses grow faster than others.

    Day after day new businesses are coming into light, and one of the common feature about majority of these new businesses today is that minority of them are becoming successful but also majority of them are not becoming successful. The truth is that many people want to establish business but not...
  5. Axis

    Consequences of unnecessary product price increase.

    In a particular business organization that either sells or produce goods and services, certain things can obviously lead to the increase in the price of this goods and services in which such business organization sells or renders. Factors like increased cost of living, increased cost of...
  6. Axis

    Consequences of ignorance in a business firm.

    There are so many things to avoid in a business organization if you want to make profit and see your business grow and develop and one of the things to always avoid as a business owner is ignorance. Having the ability of ignoring facts in your business organization can one day affect your...
  7. Axis

    How to be efficient at making good business decisions.

    Decisions in business is a must because when a business organization makes a decisions it will be able to achieve goals and objectives. Decisions has to do with choosing a choice out of a number of alternatives and before choosing you must carry out a feasibility analysis on each of these...
  8. Axis

    How to get better at marketing your business services.

    Majority of individuals who own and manage businesses who are service providers usually find it hard to create a direct stream for them to actually market their business services. This has also been a very big problem for majority of individuals who have the intention of becoming service...
  9. Axis

    Why setting an achieving business goals are two different things.

    A business organization or firm that does not have a goal or objective to achieve will crash or go bankrupt one day. The main purpose of establishing a business today is to make profit and that of course should not be the only objective a business should try to accomplish but it can develop...
  10. Augusta

    Increase customer retention with on-site search button strategy

    The rate at which a customer can easily navigate an ecommerce site can either increase or decrease their retention rate. The thing is that new or would be customers won’t initially know their way around the site as they land on your ecommerce page. So you need to have a site search in place to...
  11. Good-Guy

    How to create a better business strategy?

    There is no business in this world that works without a proper strategy. If you want to run a business, then it might be possible that you have to make sure that you apply the right kind of techniques. It could be a pretty hard thing to create a business strategy, though. So, what are some of...
  12. D

    Business Strategies

    Business strategy can be defined as a set of actions, decisions, and plans that a company uses to achieve its goals and objectives. It contains a comprehensive approach to planning and executing activities that enable a company to sustainably compete and succeed in its market. When developing...
  13. D

    Strategic business planning

    There are numerous of short account of an incidence about highly successful companies that stumbled into a successful business strategy and it's your mission to find the one strategy that will deliver similar results for your company. The good news is that you're in the right ballpark...