
  1. Jasz

    How to make your employees feel more comfortable while working hard.

    Making your employees feel more comfortable while working tirelessly for you isn't something that happens overnight. It's a process, and it takes time and effort. Follow these tips to get you started: 1. Hire the right people. Look for people who have a passion for your product or service, but...
  2. Stephen5

    Benefits of packaging products.

    Here are some benefits of packaging your product. 1 physical protection off product. 2 general product protection. 3 identification of products. 4 differentiation of products from others brand. 5 facilitate purchase decision. 6 effective packaging help a product to gain competitive advantage...
  3. Jasz

    Business Facts about the USA Foreigners don't know Until They travel to America?

    There are many oddities and surprises in the United States that can be jarring to people who have not experienced them before. For example, many countries require that you pay for your food and drink up front, while in the U.S they are used to having to flag down their waiter or waitress when...