health and fitness

  1. Yusra3

    3 Exercises to Get Rid of Back and Armpit Fat in 20 Minutes

    The above workouts are for you if you want to lose back and armpit fat in 20 minutes.These exercises are easy and effective, which makes them perfect for a quick workout at the gym or even at home. 1. Plank: Your feet should be flat on the floor next to you while you lay on your belly with...
  2. Yusra3

    Benefits & Uses Of Flax Seeds For Hair

    Not simply for the apparent benefit, flax seeds are a fantastic addition to your diet.Flax seeds have amazing benefits for your hair. Lignans, which are included in flax seeds, aid to enhance blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles and increase overall circulation.This helps stimulate...
  3. Yusra3

    What the Dikul Workout Is and Why It Can Change Your Life

    You've probably heard of Dikul, the workout that's been all over the internet lately. But what IS Dikul?Why then does it function so well? Dikul is a type of yoga that focuses on flexibility, concentration and balance which makes it perfect for anyone who wants to improve their fitness and feel...
  4. Yusra3

    2 Fitness Myths That Are Harmful to Your Health

    It's a fact: a healthy body means a healthy mind. But do you know what can actually make your body less healthy? Myth No. 1: You shouldn't eat after 6 p.m. While it's true that eating late at night can keep you up, it's also true that eating extremely late at night can throw off your sleep...
  5. Yusra3

    Benefits Of Almond For Skin That’ll Convince You To Add Them To

    Almonds are high in protein, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin E, magnesium, & calcium are all abundant in them. While almonds are considered to be healthy for your overall health, there are several benefits of almond for skin that you may not know about. Here are a few of the most...
  6. Thelma Ronald Green

    10 Tips for Achieving Optimal Wellness and Health

    10 Tips for Achieving Optimal Wellness and Health. How do you define wellness and health? For some, these terms are used interchangeably, but in reality, the two are quite different. Wellness can be defined as being in optimal physical, mental and emotional health, whereas health can be...
  7. Muhammad Naqash

    My mom lied to me...😞 Healthy Diet

    Ok, so maybe "lied" is a bit of a stretch, but let me explain... I don’t know about you, but my mom used to warn me of the dangers of fatty foods. "Don't eat so many eggs" she’d always tell me. While this may be true if you follow a diet containing fat and carbohydrates, it is definitely...
  8. Good-Guy

    What Steps Could Be Taken To Improve Your Health?

    Health is considered as one of the most important things in your life. A person should remain healthy. When I say "healthy" what I actually mean is staying physically healthy and mentally healthy as well. Unfortunately, nowadays it is so hard to stay healthy due to many reasons. First of all...
  9. Good-Guy

    What Are Health Benefits Of Getting A Massage?

    Massage refers to trying to use several techniques to make a person relax. The person who massages uses his hands to press, squeeze, or use other techniques to apply pressure on the tissues of the body so that the body may feel relaxed. There are many forms of massages and massage has been used...
  10. D

    Is weight lifting harmful ?

    I am a weight primary reason for lifting weights is to have a body shape and feel among my peers because in our area the whole guys are weight lifters. There is that thought am having since from one day that my mother start cautioning me stop weight lifting that is not good to my...
  11. Yusra3

    How To Add A Healthy Touch To Your Deep-Frying Cravings

    Frying foods is a fun way to treat yourself and your family, but it's not the healthiest cooking method. But there are ways to add a healthy touch to your deep-fried cravings and no, we're not talking about salad. 1. Get a good fryer. When you can't shake that fried food craving, get a good...
  12. Yusra3

    A Nutrition Guide To Manage Obesity And Fertility

    Obesity is a serious health condition, and while it is curable, it's not something that can be reversed in days or weeks. It takes a long-term commitment to a healthy lifestyle to see results. Achieving a healthy weight, however, has many benefits in addition to improved health and longevity...
  13. Yusra3

    The 3 Macronutrients Your Body Needs Most

    A diet is a delicate balance of micronutrients and macronutrients. They are both essential but not in the same way, and a good diet will have a balance of both, to ensure that you are getting enough vitamins and minerals and that you can also use energy effectively. Macronutrients are...
  14. Wiserr

    Things you need to know, to keep the body healthy

    One of the biggest mistakes people make while on a weight loss journey is not eating after they exercise. Many people think that not eating after they work out will help them lose weight; however, this is not the case. While exercising is amazing for your health in the long term, it actually...
  15. Good-Guy

    How To Improve Your Health While Living In An Urban City?

    Health should be one of the biggest goals and priorities of any person. Many people often claim that the environment and the atmosphere plays a really big role when it comes to your health. It seems like they are right when they say that. This is because I have seen that the life of people...
  16. Yusra3

    How Ayurveda Herbs Can Help In Fulfilling The Nutrition Deficiencies

    Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine system, is one of the most beneficial medical systems in the world. There are thousands of Ayurvedic herbs that are used to treat different diseases as well as to improve general health. The main advantage of using these herbs is that they are pure and...
  17. Yusra3

    This Is What You Should Eat While Fasting To Avoid Weight Gain

    Fasting is all the rage these days, with a number of celebrities and public figures swearing by intermittent fasting or extended fasting as a way to lose weight and keep it off. But if you just eat whatever you want when you're not fasting, you could end up gaining weight instead of losing it...
  18. Shaf

    Would you like to be a vegetarian?

    People become vegetarians for several reasons, and the decision to do so can be taken at any point in your lifetime. For some, it's all about compassion for animals, while some choose this path for health reasons. Others do it as way of contributing their quota to environmental preservation...
  19. Shaf

    How do you manage dehydration when sick?

    One problem a lot of people face when sick is dehydration, that is low level of water in their body. This is something that's very dangerous and that's why hospitals use intravenous fluids to solve this. However, there are ways you can reduce the level of dehydration by yourself before getting...
  20. Yusra3

    The difference between health and fitness

    Health is this overall well-being of a person but there's four different components of it. we've got the physical which is our body and the the quality of our bodily systems. we have the social component which is the quality of our connection with other people our teamwork skills. we have our...