saving money

  1. Mikes smithen

    Why many don't save money.

    There are several reasons why many people do not save money, including: Lack of income: For some people, their income is not enough to cover their basic needs, let alone save money. They may be living paycheck to paycheck, with little or no money left over to save. High expenses: Some people...
  2. Mikes smithen

    What does it mean to save money.

    Saving money means to set aside a portion of your income or earnings for future use, rather than spending it all immediately. This can be done by putting money into a savings account, investing it, or using it to pay off debt. The goal of saving money is typically to have a financial cushion for...

    Is it true that saving and investing money are interconnected.

    Saving and investing are related but they are not the same thing. Saving refers to setting aside a portion of your income in a safe place, such as a savings account, for short-term or emergency use. Investing, on the other hand, involves putting your money into assets such as stocks, bonds, or...

    Why it could be frustrating at times to save money.

    Despite the fact that the act of saving money is absolutely essential and important in the lives of all human beings, however at times saving money can be frustrating at times for several reasons: INSTANT GRATIFICATION: Many people are used to getting what they want right away and may find it...
  5. Axis

    How to improve your saving money abilities.

    To be able to be good at saving money and individual need to be first convenience about the reason why he or she need to save money. Not a room full of people today are able to be convinced about the reason why they need to save money and that is why they do not even engage in the financial...
  6. Augusta

    Saving Money Saving money during the festive period

    The festive period comes with a lot of spending because it is the season of love where we need to share whatever we have with others. The good thing is that you can still enjoy the season at a low cost while saving money so how do you save money during the festive period Regift your gifts to...
  7. Axis

    Would you rather spend money or save money?

    It is very possible for an individual to say that spending money is totally enjoyable than earning the money. But one thing you need to understand is that spending money and earning money is something that goes hand-in-hand with each other. In order to spend money we need to earn it first and in...
  8. Augusta

    Saving Money Saving money the smart way

    Saving money and cutting cost means adopting wsys that would help you avoid spending more money on things that you can spend less on them. Doing this will show you are smart enough to save money. Start with replacing incandescent light bulbs with LEDs. They might be expensive more but last...
  9. Augusta

    Saving Money 6 Realistic ways to save money today

    Always remember that it is about dying to make money, but adopting realistc ways that can help you save money. Making money and spending it unwiisely is a financial foolish thing to do. So what are the realistic means you can implements that can help you with money saving. Avoiding high...
  10. Augusta

    Saving Money How to Save money on entertainment for kids

    As a parent or caregiver tt sometimes hard to find time or enough money, to spend quality time with the children. But the truth is that you can still give the kids good entertainment while saving money. You can use the below creative ways Use outdoor activities Kids love outdoor activities and...
  11. Augusta

    Saving Money How to cut down on rent to save money

    Payment of Rent is one major drain on one's finances. If one is looking to save money especially on rents there are diverse routes to go but it should be the one that will be most comfortable for you. The following ways can help you cut back on your rent. Start with negotiating with your...
  12. Augusta

    Saving Money Financial hacks to save money fast

    Whether you have a financial goal that is small or big. There are financial hacks that will help you save money Having this life hacks can help you visualize a financial free future. It is always good to know about them to put them to use. So, if you’re wondering how to save money fast...
  13. Good-Guy

    Saving Money In What Country Can You Easily Save Money?

    Saving money could be a really hard thing to do, regardless of your location. There are many reasons why saving money is really hard. There are many people who are unemployed and poverty makes it almost impossible to save money. Poverty is affecting the whole world. The fact of the matter is...

    One common reason people have for not saving money.

    People have various reasons stopping them from investing and saving money but to some extent these reasons are not relevant, but somehow these reasons are understandable. A particular individual may not have enough money as an income and so because of this, he or she feels inadequate to satisfy...
  15. Augusta

    Mistakes to avoid while saving money

    When you are trying to save money, you never to take precautions and take away from some mistakes that might thwarts your money saving journey. You need to know these mistakes so that you can look for a way to avoid them. Mistake of leaving Money on the Table You need to stop letting good...
  16. Augusta

    Saving Money Ways to save money with children school enrollment

    When you think of school enrollment for a child, you are looking at spending money. The thing is that education now is quite expensive but you can still save money if you take some time to adopt the below tips. Start with cutting unnecessary things away When you get the list of things to pay...
  17. Augusta

    How to save money during inflation

    It seems inflation is a global thing now as there's increase in the prices of goods and services in the country When price level of commodities rises then money will buy fewer things which means one needs more money to buy additional things . So even saving money become difficult. So at...
  18. Axis

    Why is saving money for speculative motives important

    many people save money or hold money for transactionary motives or purposes precautionary motive or purposes and also speculative motives or purposes but I would love to deliberate on the speculative purpose or motives before I go into details in that particular topic I want to first of all give...
  19. Axis

    Why does where u save your money matter

    The location in which you said your money matters a lot because it will determine how long your money will last how safe it is and how you can access it. As we all know money is a precious valuable and so it is vital that when saving money we need to save it in a place that will ensure his...
  20. Augusta

    3 Good ways personal savings better the economy

    When it comes to personal savings it has a triple effects as you doesn't only better a person but even the economy as well. This is why sometimes doing good things isn't just about it for yourself. it can also benefits others. So how those you saving money benefits an economy It will help an...