11 Key Financial Wellness Tips Everyone Needs


VIP Contributor
There are a lot of financial wellness tips out there. But here are 11 key ones to keep in mind.

1. Have a budget and stick to it.

2. Start saving money now!

3. Create a plan for paying off your debts and saving for the future, then stick to it.

4. Get an education or training to improve your skillset, so that you can earn more money later on (or even now!).

5. Develop a healthy relationship with your money so that you can be confident and empowered when making financial decisions going forward (or even this month).

6. Spend time with family and friends who are supportive of your efforts, no matter how small or large those efforts might be at the time (like saving $5 per day for a year).

7. Learn about credit score management through online tools like Credit Karma or Mint. this will help you understand what’s going on with your credit reports so that you know how much better off you could be if only things were easier for you right now; also helps protect against identity theft!

8. Keep track of your spending habits (and how much debt you're in) so that you can make the most of your hard-earned money!

9. Avoid overspending by making sure there's no temptation around you when you're shopping or eating out!

10. Set up auto-pay for your credit cards so that you aren't tempted by late fees or interest charges when you forget to pay them off in full at the end of the billing cycle (which can happen if your account isn't paid in full on time).

11. Take advantage of any tax breaks or benefits offered by your employer so that you can save up as much money as possible for retirement!