2 Website to Make Money While Posting


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1. Elite Personal Finance
One of the most reputable financial blogs on the internet, Elite Personal Finance mostly discusses personal finance, loans, business, making money online, and other topics. You will have a good chance of getting paid to write for them because they spend more than $30,000 per year on high-quality content.

How much will each post earn you?
They will pay you $100 for each article, which must be at least one thousand words long and contain all relevant information about saving money, loans, etc.

They talk about:
Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Identity Theft and Credit Report

2. Doctor of Credit
Doctor of Credit aims to better inform their audience about credit cards and finance by discussing a variety of topics on their website, including bank accounts, credit card bonuses, savings, and more.

How much will each post cost you?
You will be paid $50 for each post that you publish on their website. You can also include a brief bio at the end of the post, but it can't have links to products or services. As soon as your post goes live, PayPal will be used to collect payment.

Points they cover:
Opportunities for free money, bank sign-up bonuses, credit sign-up bonuses and information on credit score.