3 Major Life Events That Impact Your Finances And How To Plan


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It's time to start thinking about your financial future.

Whether you're just getting started or are looking to make some changes, there are three major life events that can impact your finances and how to plan for them.

1. Getting married

This is one of the most important life events in your financial planning. You will have to start thinking about how you are going to support your new spouse and family, and what kind of lifestyle they will have while they're young. You'll also need to make sure that there is a comfortable retirement plan for yourself and any other dependents who rely on you financially.

2. Having children

Having children is another major life event that can have a huge impact on how much money you end up spending over time (and how much you save). Depending on how many children you want, this could be one of the biggest expenses for many couples--and it's important to plan ahead so that you don't end up overspending on things like daycare fees or college savings accounts!

3. Moving into a new home

Moving into a new house can cost thousands of dollars, so it's important to plan ahead and make sure that you can afford all those costs before buying anything new! If possible, try looking at homes before making an offer. this way there won't be any surprises when it comes time for closing costs or inspections fees later down the line!