5 Brain hacks to help you focus at work


VIP Contributor
The Brain is the power house of the body, you need to get it functioning proper if you want a good focus at work. So what the simple things you can do to achieve this:

Give the brain a proper rest
You need to rest the brain properly at night to help get it focus in the morning; Get a good sleep for about nine hours per night.

Eat healthy meals
what you consume daily can affect your concentration. Try to eat foods that are free of sugars, starches and fats. it will aid in improving one's work stamina.

Drink enough water
Water can help prevent the brain from easy exhaustion, Which will help improve attentiveness and focus.

Reduce stress
Lack of adequate comfort brings stress. You need to reduce stress for the brain to focus you can add calming elements to your workplace

.Keep away distractions
Distractions will affect the brain from focusing effectively. Remove distraction from your work space.


VIP Contributor
You've probably heard the saying "if you don't use it, you lose it." Well, that's not entirely true. In fact, there are some brain hacks and tricks that can help you focus at work.

1. When you're writing, make sure to stay away from side-by-side comparisons. Instead, try using a variety of different analogies to help your brain keep track of where one idea ends and another begins. This will help you stay focused on the task at hand and not get bogged down by too much information.

2. Try to alternate between working on one thing for a long time and then switching to something else quickly—like switching from a spreadsheet to a text document or vice versa. This way, your brain doesn't get bored or frustrated with any one thing for too long before being able to switch gears again!

3. If you're stuck in an area of your project that's just not coming together as quickly as you'd like it to, try taking breaks every so often throughout the day when things seem easier than they have been in recent days (but still no longer than 30 minutes). This will give your brain time to recharge while giving yourself a chance to catch up with others.


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Focusing on whatever you are doing will bear excellent results, bit the truth is, our lives are full of distractions. Many people never realized how fortunate they are to have a working area until the COVID pandemic struck.

The first thing to do if you want to focus on your work is to eliminate and ignore all distractions. That's why we find it easier to be more productive in schools and workplaces than at home. If you have to work in a place full of distractions, you can use earbuds to muffle sounds.

Another thing that I find helps you to focus is getting ready before you start a job. You should get all necessary knowledge, tools and documents you intend to use.

You can also work on those things you know pose a distraction before focusing on important tasks. For example, if you need to buy food, get it before getting to work so you don't have to leave work half done.