5 mistakes Richard Yu made as a Beginner Entrepreneur


Deleted member 13140

You guys probably don't know who that is but all you have to know is that he is an entrepreneur
Okay so

1. Lack Of Consistency
Your success will NEVER exceed your
habits, and I had inconsistent sleep
times, diet, and work times

2. Porn Addiction.
Super vulnerable here, but struggled
with this for YEARS (99% of guys do),
and never took ownership over this.

3. Shiny Object Syndrome.
I failed 4 businesses before
succeeded with my 5th because I was
constantly chasing new business after
new business.

4. I cared more about money than

I just wanted to hustle and make
money and lost sight of the whole
point of entrepreneurship. To ADD
VALUE to the lives of others, and as a
result of that, you make money.

5. Lack of congruency with my faith in

I went to church, read the Bible, and
"looked" like I was a person of faith,
but my heart and actions didn't align
with it.
The second I started to do things for
God, my business skyrocketed.

Number 5 is a bit coded because I have no idea what one can do for God..
Working for him I guess
All the items you mentioned is okay and they are capable of destroying ones vision to become a good entrepreneur. Let me add some of the other things that can destroy the spirit of entrepreneurship. It is called indiscipline. Lack of indiscipline can make one loses focus as an entrepreneur.