5 Mistakes You Need To Stop Making With Your Haircare Routine


1. Using the same shampoo, conditioner and styling gel every time you wash your hair. You should rotate these products every few weeks to help prevent dryness and build-up in your hair.

2. Using too much styling product or heat for your hair type (long or short). If you have curly hair, use less product and more gentle techniques. If you have straight hair, use less heat and more gentle techniques.

3. Not taking care of your roots! When it comes to your roots, if they’re not healthy or alive then they will not look healthy or alive on top of your head either! Make sure that you are always using a root boost treatment once a week to keep those roots healthy and happy!

4. Not washing your hair often enough! Try washing your hair every two days instead of everyday so that it doesn’t become damaged by over-processing or build-up from products used previously (ie shampooing everyday over weekend).

5. Using too much heat on your hair with hot rollers/flat irons etc.. When using any type of styling tool make sure that the temperature is never higher than 140 degrees Fahrenheit (57 degrees Celsius) as this can damage your hair.