5 must ask questions during interviews and how to answer


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When you're interviewing as a candidate for a job, there are some questions you can expect. But there are also some that might come as a surprise. Here's what to do when you're asked these 5 tough interview questions:

Q1: What have you learned from your biggest failure?
A1: Everyone fails. That's why it's important to frame an answer that actually shows off how you've grown and learned from your mistakes. Show them how dedicated you are to always striving for more.

Q2: Why do you want to work here?
A2: It's important to show the interviewer that you have done your homework before coming in, and that you truly understand what they are all about. The best way to do this is by mentioning specific details from their company website or social media pages that resonated with you or spoke to your personal values.

Q3: How do you deal with conflict?
A3: No one likes conflict, but if it does arise, it's important to show the interviewer that you're capable of working through it and maintaining a level head and positive attitude throughout the process.

Q4: How would your coworkers describe you?
A4: Have three adjectives ready to go when answering this.