5 Simple Tips to take Care of your Kidneys.


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5 Simple Tips to take Care of your Kidneys.

Here are five tips to take care of your kidneys:

1. Don't smoke:

Smoking reduces the blood flow and can prevent the blood from reaching the kidneys. If the kidneys don't get enough blood, it can't function properly. If you smoke, it also increases the chances of developing kidney cancer.

2. Doing physical exercise:

Staying fit and active is essential for your overall health. Doing regular exercise can help lower blood pressure, a major risk factor for kidney problems.

3. Maintain a healthy weight:

The kidneys have to work harder on the bodies of overweight people to compensate for the extra body mass. It takes more effort to filter waste and manage the body's other functions when there is more body mass to regulate.

4. Avoid salt:

Reducing salt intake can significantly lower many of the risk factors for kidney problems. You should also avoid processed food and prepared foods whenever possible, as they contain high amounts of salt and sodium.

5. Control blood sugar levels:

High blood sugar can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys, causing them to not work well. To protect these organs, it is important to keep your blood sugar level in a healthy range.


VIP Contributor
The kidney makes up part of our excretory system . Every human being have two set of kidneys and it is considered to be the area in the body that is responsible for accumulating urine . An individual with a damaged kidney has the potential to die sooner or later that is why a kidney health issue is something that must be taken serious and not lightly . Knowing how important our kidney is it is every individual's responsibility to take care of his or her kidney . Sometimes we engage in different activities unknowingly and knowingly that has negative effect on the health of our keeping some of these activities include smoking , over drinking of alcohol , consuming too much sweetened soft drink etc .

According two doctors and health analyst the best way we can take care of our kidney is by eating healthy . Some of the food and fruits that have positive health effect on our kidney includes : watermelon , apples , mushrooms and vinegars etc . Whether we consume these foods as dessert or as the main meal , they all have positive effects on the health of our kidneys . Most individuals at the age of 40 to 60 tend to develop kidney issues as a result of consuming too much Sweetened product when they were young or giving their teen age . So we should endeavour to cut down the amount of sweetened food and drinks we consume so as not to damage our kidney .

Maria Javed

Active member
There are many ways to take care of your kidneys. Millions of people around the world are affected by kidney diseases.
1 Do not add extra salt to your food. Salt take in 24 hours should be less than 5 grams in a gram.
2 Maintain appropriate body weight. If you are obese. The load of kidneys increases as weight of an individual increases. Can result in kidney damage in future.
4 Monitor your sugar levels keep HBA1C levels under 6.0. Damage is especially common in diabetes. It start with proteinuria or protein leakage. Rapidly increases the progression of diabetes related kidney disorders.
5 Monitor your blood pressure if you have high BP hypertension can cause kidney disorders.


VIP Contributor
Let me share with you the herb that we take regularly. Since 2006 when my wife was diagnosed with kidney stones for the 3rd time a doctor advised us to try sambong pills. The “sambong” is a small plant that I consider herb. I boil the leaves and we drink it twice a week with a little sugar to deaden the acrid taste. Since then my wife had no more problem with kidney stones. When our first 2 dogs died of kidney issues I got to think that we can give them the sambong brew. Our 3rd dog died at 13 years old but not due to kidney problem. Even I who have no issues with kidney also drinks that brew twice a year. My creatinine level as of my latest test this month is normal. For the added precaution I try to drink water at least every hour, just a half glass will do so that I would also avoid dehydration.