5 Things You Should Know About Acne


You probably already know that acne is caused by bacteria, and that pimples are caused when the pore gets inflamed. But I got 5 things you might not know about acne and pimples:

1. Acne can be a sign of pregnancy. The rise in hormones during pregnancy can cause an increase in sebum production in the skin, resulting in excess oil and possibly an increased risk of acne.

2. Acne affects all ages, not just teenagers. While teens are more prone to acne than other age groups, all age groups experience breakouts when hormones are out of balance or there is a change in the body's oil production.

3. Stress doesn't cause acne. While stress definitely contributes to other health issues, it's actually not a factor in causing acne. However, stress can worsen acne symptoms.

4. Diet doesn't cause acne, either. No one particular food is responsible for breaking out your skin and eating greasy foods won't "feed" your skin and make it worse.

5. There is no cure for acne! Although there are many treatment options available for people who suffer from acne, there is no single method that works best for everyone; what works for one person may not work for another.


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Skin health management propensities that can assist with clearing skin inflammation
  1. Wash twice a day and in the wake of perspiring. ...
  2. Utilize your fingertips to apply a delicate, non-rough cleaning agent. ...
  3. Be delicate with your skin. ...
  4. Scouring your skin can aggravate skin inflammation. ...
  5. Flush with tepid water.
  6. Cleanser routinely. ...
  7. Allow your skin to recuperate normally. ...
  8. Keep your hands off your face.