8 Important Factors in Customer Experience


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Customer experience is one of the factors that can influence a product. That's why customer experience is used by business people as the object of their marketing research.

What is Customer Experience?
Customer experience is the customer's perception/response about their experience of a product or brand. This form of interaction is an assessment by customers of the satisfaction of a product.

If customer satisfaction has been achieved, customer loyalty will be formed, so that customers will recommend to others so that businesses will automatically get new customers.

There are several important factors in customer experience, namely:

1. Accessibility
There is convenience for customers to access/obtain the products offered by the company.

2. Customer Recognition
Customers will be closer to product providers if their presence is recognized, known and appreciated.

3. Problem solving
Products offered by businesses must be able to provide benefits and satisfaction to customers.

4. Competence
Product providers must have adequate competence/skills so that customers will be interested in buying the product.

5. Promise fulfillment
Product providers must be able to fulfill their promises in accordance with the information or advertisements received by customers, otherwise the customer will be disappointed and tell others that will create a bad image for the product.

6. Helpfulness
Product providers with the enthusiasm to provide assistance to customers with the products they buy.

7. Value for Time
Product providers can serve customers quickly, so that customers' time is not wasted.

8. Personalization
Product providers must be able to provide friendly service and treatment so that customers will feel more comfortable.