Saving Money 8 Ways to Turn Saving Money Into a Game


Saving money should not be experienced as cutting back. Infuse enjoyment to reaching your financial goals, thereby, sustaining your motivation. Try these tips to gamify your savings:Try these tips to gamify your savings:

Challenge Yourself

Set the money-saving challenges: - no takeout for a month, - limiting yourself to the grocery budget of $100, - or all cash. Having a goal and deadline comes timely with an added excitement.

Form Teams

A number of studies have proven that for a bulk saving, just start with forming teams with others and make a competition out of it. A win-with-friends trip savings contest and a zero no shopping newspaper’s challenge with your partner magnify their success.

Create Rewards

Material rewards aren’t required. Even basic pleasure like an additional reading hour, spa time, or bingeing a TV show are tokens of reward for certain milestones without financial burden.

Visualize Progress

Coloring the figure on thermometer which marks milestones or moving marbles in your homemade game board is very satisfying and provides tangible proof that you are accomplishing your financial goals.

Role Play

Playing around is not a bad idea, except that you represent someone with financial discipline like a smart shopkeeper. This will enable you to make the best saving decisions that come from that perspective.

Go on “Missions”

Let people think that saving is a big and important mission by using phrases like "building an emergency fund." The key to accomplishing money missions is sustaining the intensity and stay concentration hence the need for the players to attain perfection of the given skills.

Score Your Successes

There are apps that you can download to quantify your savings for more points, digital badges, and even competition to encourage your competitiveness.

That obstacle be conversion into an adventure with the motto "Nothing ventured, nothing gained".

When you confront difficulties in saving, let it be seen as overcoming barriers to have fun in an action game that calls for innovative and persistent direction towards a solution.

The true value lies in having saved. But it is the case that keeping the optimistic mood on the right track also involves filling it with some cheerfulness and fun game when reaching your financial goals.