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The bad breath coming from the mouth makes it difficult to talk to others. Sometimes we get stuck in a strange situation due to the bad smell coming from the mouth of the front. In such a situation, it seems that whether to tell this thing to the person in front or not? But now you do not need to tolerate the bad smell coming from the mouth any more. Rather, there is a need to know about its reason and remedies. Because maybe the reason for the smell coming from the mouth is not only your food, but it can also be a message of deteriorating health.

Often the bacteria on our tongue, teeth and gums mix with saliva to break down food and proteins. The gas that is released in this process is what causes bad breath. This bad breath is called halitosis. Second, due to dry mouth, the flow of saliva is affected. Lack of saliva leads to the production of bacteria in the mouth, which continuously release sulfur compounds and this also causes bad breath. If the bad smell from the mouth is increasing then it can also be a sign of some serious disease, so see a doctor.
Halitosis is a bad thing to have happened to human. Imagine a beautiful girl or handsome guy that cannot speak in public just because of this ignoble disease. What do cause this most time is not taking enough water after eating or not brushing adequately. Though some are caused naturally like maybe during fasting.
The most common cause of bad breath is the bacteria in the mouth. That usually happens when the mouth is dry so drinking water from time to time can control the odor. Another cause is the acid in the stomach that usually activates when you get hungry. The odor can be controlled by eating something especially crackers.