Advantages of having enough sleeps and rests


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Insomnia (or sleeplessness as people sometimes cal it)is a very bad health problem.It can cause brain cancers, hypertension,heart failures or sometimes death(in rare cases).Some of the things here I'll mention causes these serious health problems.Please read carefully and note some of them down........
1.Overworking yourself.
2.Not taking breaks at work intervals.
3.Not trying to make yourself happy.
4.Not having a scheduled sleeping and waking time.
5.Not having at least eight hours of sleeps at night and at least three hours of rest at day(this could be broken down into scheduled hours or minutes at work intervals).
6.Not eating nutritious and healthy foods
7.Not taking fruits and vegetables.
8.Taking pills to make you skip sleep.These prescribed pills sometimes react after they've had an effect on the body.
9.Watching and playing too much movies and video games at night.Also listening to loud musics at night is also included.
10.Smoking cigarettes or weed.
11.Excessive intake of alcohol.
12.Reading or working for long hours at night than day.
Please avoid this habits to have a good night sleep.
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Over working causes pains and dizziness of the body, continuously doing it can lead to serious health issues. But that doesn't mean we should be sleeping more than the average time for sleep which is six hours a day. I can't because I want to have adequate sleeping time, and decide to over do it, like sleeping for over 10 hours. Even the Bible said it, one who loves sleeping invites poverty. I don't sleep much, and that doesn't mean I don't cover my six hours normal sleeping time. I love being online at least 10 hours daily, then use six hours for sleep, and other 8 hours for rest and fun time.
Well,you should always observe 8-10 hours of sleep daily.It helps the body to function properly.Thats the least amount of hours I or any medical expert can recommend for a busy person.Always schedule your 8 hours of sleep daily.For instance,I sleep every night at 8pm and wake every morning at 9pm because I have to go to work early.As I have scheduled my hours of sleep daily,I tend to see that my body has adapted to this style,and I sleep well and wake up every morning without wanting to go back to sleep again.So find your own schedule and put it to work.You'll see the positive results in about a week.Thank you.