Affiliate marketing for beginners

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New member

Most beginners who want to make money with affiliate marketing simply publish some random content and insert affiliate links within the article. That strategy may or may not work, but if you truly want to increase your affiliate revenue, you must ensure that the content you publish reaches your intended audience. The following are 5 tips to get started:
1. Create a blog or a YouTube channel.
A blog and a YouTube channel are not the same thing, and not just because one is written and the other is video. However, they differ in terms of SEO, conversions, time, and cost.
2. Enroll in Affiliate Programs
There are various affiliate programs out there. You just simply need to find one that works for you and you can get started.
3. Be Wary of Amazon
Unless you refer people to Amazon games, Luxury Beaty, or Amazon Explore, your Amazon commissions are based on category and you only make 0-5 percent. Otherwise, you'll need a lot of sales to make a living and will most likely have to refer people to big ticket items (video equipment on YouTube is a big one especially if you’re into cameras, lenses, lights, etc).
4. Add Affiliate Links To Your content
5. Get Traffic Before Sales
One of the biggest mistakes bloggers make is focusing on money first. This is bad for a few of reasons:
• No traffic = no sales
• Most affiliates require you to have some traffic
• Your authenticity is ruined if you’re too salesy from the start
I have great product but I have problem with selling it. How and where can I find some people that are interested to try to promote product?
Thanks, although I am not really interested to engage in affiliate marketing now but whenever I do I would rather choose to engage in affiliate marketing that involve the use of clickbank because that is what most affiliate marketers are using over here to make money since I will be learning from them, And the use of social media to advertise the type of products they are marketing... Another form of affiliate marketing that is profitable is the one that you are requested to Leads traffic from a certain location to drop their Gmail and so on,, it is the easiest affiliate marketing to start with smaller capital.
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