Any disadvantage of passive income?


Active member
In my opinion, there is no disadvantage of passive income .Passive income on its own is an advantage.

No need of physical activity or any activity of any sort cash will be flowing in even without your permission.

The beautiful part is the freedom you get to focus on some important things such as your family, your dreams and aspirations while you still remain rich and wealthy.

The ultimate goal is to end up earning income passively Even though the process of establishing it requires some temporary activities before it emerge as a system of cash flow
This should be the goal of everyone that wants to make it big in the game
Passive income is not without its disadvantages.

First of all, many passive income streams require an upfront investment to get started. Many require a lot of work up front, and in some cases that work may not pay off for months or even years down the road. Second, there's a trade-off: when you focus on passive income, it can be harder to find time for active, direct-income earning activities. For some people, that's a worthwhile tradeoff; for others, it's not.

Another disadvantage is, you may never be able to save as much money as you would be able to save with an active income. Passive income requires you to make reasonable investments in order to achieve your goal of being financially independent. In addition, there are other disadvantages of passive income such as the fact that it takes much longer to achieve your financial independence and it can take a lot more time for your investments to pay off.

Finally, passive income opportunities are highly competitive. It takes a lot of research and preparation to find the right opportunity and then compete with others who are trying to do the same thing. In other words, passive income doesn't come without some effort on your part.