Are affiliate marketing tricks still working?


VIP Contributor
I keep wondering if the old affiliate marketing tricks or strategies are still valid till today. It works, but success relies on real strategies. You need to build trust, give value, also choose products that align with your audience. Dodgy tricks may work but for a short term, authenticity is the key.


While some old-school affiliate marketing tactics may be less effective today, the core principles still apply. Building an audience and niche authority remains key. But tired ploys like cookie stuffing or link farms can actually damage your reputation. Focus instead on providing authentic value through content. Be transparent about affiliations and ensure recommendations align with your expertise. Treat your audience with respect, not as passive consumers. Though the affiliate space has matured, you can still grow loyal followers and drive conversions ethically. The "tricks" that continue working involve focusing on nurturing community, not chasing quick wins. Quality over quantity is now the affiliate marketing formula that pays off long-term.