Balancing Multiple Jobs: Tips for Freelancers and Side Hustlers

Leah Kelvin

Active member
The demands of a freelancer or side hustler with multiple jobs can be overwhelming, though it is possible to strike some sort of balance. Here are a few tips to help you manage multiple jobs successfully:

1. Prioritize and organize: Draw up a timetable/schedule or create a list of things you need to do for each job which may include the tasks and deadlines among others. Prioritize your work based on what requires immediate attention and what cannot wait, then fix certain times within your schedule for each job you have.

2. Time management: Efficiently manage your time by setting realistic goals and deadlines for each job. Divide major tasks into smaller ones that can be managed properly and allocate timed blocks for them individually. Avoid multitasking as this may hinder productivity instead focus on one thing at a time.

3. Set boundaries: Clearly define the line between work and personal matters in your life. Have an exclusive working area; specify when you start working as well as when you normally stay in touch with clients, friends, family among other people close to you so that they know when not to disturb you because they will understand that such actions would affect your state of mind.

4. Delegate and outsource: Delegate some duties or get another person do some specific activities for you if there is a chance. For example, virtual assistants, graphic designers, bookkeepers etc., could be employed specifically for various segments leaving main responsibilities to the entrepreneur.