Basic things to do in order to prevent covid contamination


VIP Contributor
This topic may have been discussed already but I just want to add my personal experience. Most of us are scared of getting infected by covid that we have to do what we think is right in preventing covid from entering our system. My take is the nutrition and exercise. I drink fruit juice in the morning and I do more exercise when the pandemic started. For more prevention I avoid crowds and I wear face mask and face shield when I go out of the house.

When my wife got infected with covid it was wonderful to realize that I didn’t get infected even if we slept together for almost a week. Everyone is wondering but it is true that I was able to evade covid. The added care is sunning myself for 20 minutes every morning. Hot sun makes me sweat and that adds to my protection. Buy the most important, perhaps is the diet because I always try to eat healthy food and I also observe the time of my meals. When you get hungry the body's resistance gets weaker so you should eat when you feel hunger that is knocking on your tummy.
These are amazing personal experience that is well scientifically supported.
Diet, exercise, and the use of social distancing and face masks has been known and proven to be helpful in keeping away from this subtle virus.
Diet and exercise does not prevent us from getting infected but it helps the body immune system in fighting the virus. And this is very important!
No wonder It is good to eat appropriately and on time.
we are responsible for our well beinh