Being sociable in your place of work.


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Although not everyone an earth is blessed with the ability to strike an interesting conversation with someone who they do not know or who is a stranger . I know a lot of you on hearing the word sociable will be thinking about an extrovert . There is no doubting the fact that extroverts are able to strike conversation with anyone wherever and whenever they feel like . That indeed is a very important skill to acquire in your business environment or workplace . Yet , we must understand that the act of being sociable is inborn and also can be learnt . And so if you are an introvert feeling shy , timid and weird to start conversation with people in your workplace well congratulations you can learn the act of being sociable .

Sociability in your workplace is a very important skill to acquire , but why do we say so ? , well with sociability we can be able to interact with our fellow employees and get to know them better . A sociable employer would be able to know the potentials of his or her employees and will not assigned to them a tasks or duty that might become burdensome and cumbersome for them to handle . If you are an introvert looking for ways to develop the ability of being sociable you need to consult the counsel of a therapist .
Do you want to get along with your coworkers? Do you want to be seen as a friendly, sociable person at your place of work?

Being sociable at work can open up many doors for you. You'll have a better relationship with your boss and coworkers. You'll be the first one they think of when a new project comes up. And you'll feel happier at work, too!

If you're not naturally a very gregarious person, don't fret. It is possible to develop the social skills needed to get along with others. Just follow these simple tips:

1) Be friendly and outgoing. Smile at people, say hello, and make eye-contact with people in meetings.

2) Listen more than you speak. Ask questions and really listen to the answers so that you can understand how other people are feeling and what they need help with.

3) Offer help when needed. Go out of your way to help people if they seem like they're struggling or if you notice something that needs doing but nobody else is doing it yet.

4) Get to know people outside of work through social media sites (like LinkedIn). This can be a great way to start building connections with coworkers before you even meet them in person!
Well, when it comes to humans we are distinctively different and this is what we refer to as individual differences. In the society or specifically in the workplace, it is impossible to have everyone who will be reserved and it is also impossible to have everyone who will be sociable.

There are some people whose nature is really sociable and they cannot do without making friends with everybody and at times, it may be irritating to others who does not see it as a perfect way of life but we should always learn to appreciate each others uniqueness. I worked in a school where a particular teacher was always so loud, she loves to be noticed and she was very sociable. I got to understand that it was just her nature and there was nothing that could be done about it. Also, there are also people who are not sociable at all and they are more like introverts, they do not flow or have a deep interpersonal relationship with their coworkers and at times such people rarely get into trouble. Personally, I am a social being with limits and when in a working environment, I like to maintain the professional working ethics devoid of excessive socializing.
Every individual have their own unique nature and it is totally impossible for everyone to behave in the same way. We have some humans who are categorized into; introvert, extrovert and ambivert. The introverts are those that are reserved and not really sociable, the extroverts are the social butterflies who want to be seen and heard and tend to get along with everybody without too much pressure and now, we have the ambivert, those one share both the similarities of both the introvert and the extrovert. There are people who cannot stay without making friends with everyone, they tend to seek the validity of everyone and they are always willing to go any length just to get the approval or recognition of someone. This is their lifestyle and it works for them.

We have such caliber of people in all facets of works and these set of people usually make the environment lively and if they suddenly go quiet, everyone would notice that there is an issue on ground. I am a sociable person who has some boundaries but when it comes to the working environment, I do like to keep things formal and in a professional way except during breaks or lunch hours.