Benefits of telecommunication to business welfare.

Mikes smithen

Verified member
Telecommunication in business existence as total impacted business in all ramification, and with the use of telecommunication existence in businesses majority of business organisations have been able to communicate and also interact with other set of businesses in all regions and countries of the world in order to keep carrying out business activities and processes to boost their generated revenue and generated output. Telecommunication also makes it important for businesses to communicate and also Foster a good work-life balance within the business environment. It absolutely reduce stress in individuals will have to write messages inform of paper writing and sending it to one sector of business to the other but with the use of telecommunication devices, transaction of message is made easier and very much faster. Inasmuch as telecommunication is important to business, telecommunication also is hindered by so many challenges and problems. For the more problems and challenges hindering telecommunication in most regions and countries of the world include:

INFRASTRUCTURE: Lack of adequate telecommunication infrastructure, such as fiber optic cables, cell towers, and satellite connectivity, can hinder the expansion and quality of telecommunication services.

REGULATION: Telecommunication industries are subject to government regulations, and the absence of effective regulatory frameworks can result in monopolies, high prices, and poor service quality.

COST: The cost of telecommunication services can be a significant barrier to access, particularly for low-income individuals and those living in rural areas.

CYBERSECURITY: Telecommunication networks and devices are vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, such as hacking and phishing, which can compromise data privacy and security.

CULTURAL BARRIERS: Cultural barriers, such as language and literacy, can limit access to telecommunication services, particularly for marginalized communities.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods, can damage telecommunication infrastructure, disrupting services and hindering the restoration of service.
The impacts of telecommunication from business existence is absolutely numerous but one of the obvious impact of telecommunication in the existence of businesses is that it has made it very easy for businesses to communicate even in a wide range of space and also it has help and Foster a good foreign marketing activity between companies in different countries and regions of the world. Initially before telecommunication was absolutely brought into existence individuals were always engaging in paper writing of message to their counterparts or to other business partners in other regions and countries of the world however this method of information transmission was always stressful and very much erroneous and in most situations messages may always get stuck in transit or may even get lost in transit.

That is basically the correction in which telecommunication has definitely corrected as it has made it very easy for businesses to communicate we just using technology device known as smartphones or even normal telephone devices.