Best Home Remedies for Acidity and Heartburn


Acidity and heartburn are common symptoms that can make you feel miserable, but there are some home remedies to try if you want to relieve your symptoms. Here are the best home remedies for acid reflux and heartburn:

1. Eat smaller meals more frequently. This helps prevent gurgling because it reduces the amount of food you're eating at once.

2. Take an anti-acid medication like Prilosec daily or as needed (the dosage will vary). Antacids don't work overnight, but they may help ease your symptoms over time by reducing acid production in your stomach and intestines.

3. Drink plenty of water especially if you're feeling bloated or have diarrhea to help keep your stomach acids balanced out by flushing them out with regularity via your urine or stool (which is technically called "diuresis"). You can also try drinking lemon juice or apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water for a few minutes before every meal to help reduce stomach acidity as well (but don't do this if you have GERD).