Borrow money from friends to own landed properties


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Owning landed properties is a good idea everyone wish to have such a goal or achievement, we have come to see that it not easy in reality because of low income and prize of landed properties, so this fact causes some persons to borrow relatives and friends to buy this properties, well it is always enjoyable at first start or moment but one should also think of the future how well this task he or she is embarking on affect himself and family, some family today have suffered a lot of embarrassment and dispute because of the money the owe in order to buy properties, and some point may result to lost of life and property, just to settle a certain case, most times when one get money he or she may not fined suitable business or career that would enable him to pay back what he or she owe, most times friends or relatives may want to punish such family , (borrower) by asking him or her to embark on a particular task that may put him in danger.
My point here is not that borrowing money from friends or relatives is bad, but one need to be mindful who he call friends and must be sure to complete the debt when time arrive to avoid embarrassment.
Another pont many people avoid a lot is signing an agreement between the borrower and leaner the must be a sort of agreement between the two person and if possible sign by a witness or judicial personal that is a lawyer.